Bridgerland Technical College

January 27, 2020 Board Meeting

JANUARY 27, 2020, 4 P.M.


Item 1

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome

Item 2

Program Highlight – Fire and Rescue Services

Lisa Moon, Associate Vice President for Instruction

Bryan Davies, Department Head

Bryan Davies will be present to highlight the Fire and Rescue Services program. The Standards and Training Council unanimously voted in the affirmative to continue to accredit the Fire and Rescue Services program at BTECH. Many of those doing the evaluations for accreditation made particular comments on how well run and professional the program is. During the Council’s recent meeting on January 8, Bryan Davies was presented with a Certificate of Accreditation plaque from the council. It was truly an honor for the program. Learn more about this program here:

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 3

Consent Calendar Approval

  1. Minutes from the November 25, 2019, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.
  2. Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report Final Certification

The FY 2018-2019 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report, as of July 31, 2019, was reviewed by the Board of Directors in the August 26, 2019, Board meeting. As provided in the Utah System of Technical College (USTC) Policy 205.11.2, Bridgerland continued to track outcomes of FY 2018-2019 certificate-seeking students after the end of the fiscal year and provided a follow-up data submission in December. Additional non-graduate/early-hire completers and re-enrolled students were reported. Completion rates for certificate-seeking students have been recalculated, given these updated student outcomes. The Bridgerland Technical College President along with the Vice President for Instruction and the Vice President for Student Services have certified that the submitted follow-up data comply with all applicable statutes and policies, and have verified that the updated completion rates are accurate, to the best of their knowledge. The final certification was submitted to USTC December 17, 2019, as required by USTC Policy.

ACTION: Recommend approval of Consent Calendar items as provided in the agenda.

Item 4

FY 2020-2021 Proposed General Tuition Rate

Jim White, Vice President for Student Services

The Bridgerland Technical College Board of Directors traditionally makes a recommendation for a tuition rate increase, if any, to the Utah System of Technical Colleges Board of Trustees on an annual basis. This recommendation is typically based on input from the College Administration as needed. However, for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, the Governor’s Office recommended a “Freeze on tuition until affordability is adequately defined” for all Higher Education Institutions. This recommendation from the Governor aligns with what the College Administration would also propose.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the FY 2020-2021 Proposed Tuition Rate to hold at $2.00 per membership hour.


Item 5

FY 2020-2021 Proposed Differential Tuition Rates

Jim White, Vice President for Student Services

BTECH Administration is requesting the renewal of a differential tuition rate for the Farm and Ranch Management continuing education course(s) and Assessment & Learning pre-admission support course(s). Differential tuition rates for these have been in existence for many years; however, USTC Policy 204.6 (6.4) dictates that the USTC Board of Trustees approve the differential rates on an annual basis. Accordingly, with the consent and recommendation of Bridgerland’s Board of Directors, a letter will be sent to the USTC Commissioner with the tuition and differential rates, which have not changed.

Farm /Ranch Business Management:

Beginning students: $210/annually

Advanced students: $240/annually

Justification: The Farm/Ranch Business Management program began in the early to mid-1980s in an effort to help small- and medium-sized farms and ranches become successful. For each year of its existence, it has operated with a differential tuition rate. In prior years, the process of renewing the differential rate was virtually automatic and occurred at the same time the regular tuition rate was approved. With the development and approval of the newest version of USTC Policy Number 204.6-6.4, the College is now required to request approval of this differential rate on an annual basis.

Assessment & Learning Center:

All students: $20/month

Justification: The Assessment & Learning Center exists as a resource to assist students in transitioning from wherever they are academically, to a level that will ensure success in their chosen training program. The Assessment & Learning Center does not result in an occupational credential but rather prepares students for success in both their chosen training program and eventual occupation. This center has also existed since the mid-1980s and has always operated with a differential tuition rate. The rate has been established as a means of removing or at least reducing barriers to enrollment as students move through the remedial math, English, and/or reading curriculum at their own pace. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, students are then prepared to enter one of the College’s training programs and will be charged the USTC approved tuition rate for their chosen occupational program.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the FY 2020-2021 Differential Tuition Rates.


Item 6

Board of Directors Orientation

Chad Campbell, President

Neil Perkes, Chair of the Board, asked that Bridgerland Administration provide the Board with a broad overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Board as currently defined by state law and the Utah System of Technical Colleges’ policies. He also asked to have an overview of the current organizational structure of the College. Bridgerland Administration will be present at the meeting to lead that discussion and to provide the information requested.


Utah System of Technical Colleges:

Policies & Procedures:

Bridgerland Technical College:

BTECH Programs

Organizational Chart

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 7

Board of Trustees Report

Dr. Scott Theurer, Trustee Representative

A brief update from the Utah System of Technical Colleges Board of Trustees will be provided.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.

Item 8

Information Items

A. Custom Fit Training Department – Year to Date

Fiscal Year Trainees Training Hours Total Companies New Companies
19-20 Qtr 1 1,488 11,802 140 18
19-20 Qtr 2 2,257 25,378 176 19


B. Stand-Alone Courses

    • In accordance with USTC Policy 200, Section 5.1.2, courses not part of an approved certificate shall be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer and reported to the College Board of Directors as an information item. The current schedule is included as a link and is always available online at No new courses need to be approved at this time.


C. Calendar/Happenings

  • Calendar available at
    • February 7 – BTECH Ski Night, 5 p.m., Beaver Mountain
    • March 30 – April 3, Closed for Spring Break
  • Board Meeting Dates
    • April 27, 2020
    • June 22, 2020
    • August 24, 2020
    • November 16, 2020

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.

Item 9
