Bridgerland Technical College
March 21, 2022
MARCH 21, 2022, 4 P.M.
Item 1
Start Recording: State Date, Time, Place of Meeting, and Members Present
Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome
Item 2
Consent Calendar Approval
A. Minutes from the November 15, 2021, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.
Handout: November 15, 2021 Minutes
B. Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report Final Certification
The FY 2020-2021 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report, for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2021, was reviewed by the BTECH Board of Trustees on August 23, 2021. As provided in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Policy 205.11.2, Bridgerland continued to track outcomes of FY 2020-2021 certificate-seeking students after the end of the fiscal year and provided a follow-up data submission in December. Additional non-graduate/early-hire completers and re-enrolled students were reported. Completion rates for certificate-seeking students have been recalculated, given these updated student outcomes. The BTECH president along with the executive vice president and provost and the vice president for student services have certified that the submitted follow-up data comply with all applicable statutes and policies and have verified that the updated completion rates are accurate to the best of their knowledge. The final certification was submitted to USHE as required by policy.
Handout: 2020-2021 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report Final Certification
C. Program Review
In accordance with COE Standard 2, “The institution ensures that each program is approved and administered under established institutional policies and procedures…,” a program list is attached for review and approval. No changes need to be approved at this time.
Handout: 2022-2023 Program List
ACTION: Recommend approval of the Consent Calendar items: (A) Minutes, (B) Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report Final Certification, (C) Program Review
Item 3
Audit Committee Report –
Audited Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2021
Roger Pulsipher, Audit Committee Chair
Lisa Rock, Controller
Wes Marler, Senior Accountant
The Bridgerland Technical College Audited Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2021, along with the Government Auditing Standards (GAS) report on internal control and the auditors’ required communications are available online. Auditors from the Office of the Utah State Auditor participated in a video conference call with the Audit Committee meeting prior to the board meeting to present Bridgerland’s audit report and the list of required communications. Roger Pulsipher, chair of the Audit Committee, will provide the board with a summary of the Audit Committee meeting.
Senior Accountant Wes Marler and the person responsible for external financial reporting at the college will be present to discuss the audit results, the college's financial position, and address any questions or comments the board may have. Bridgerland administration will also be available to address any questions or comments.
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of the Audit Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2021.
Item 4
Proposed General Tuition Rate
Chad Campbell, President
The Bridgerland Technical College Board of Trustees traditionally recommends a tuition rate increase, if any, to the Utah System of Higher Education on an annual basis. This recommendation is typically based on input from the college administration as needed. However, for FY 2022-2023, there is enough uncertainty regarding the credit initiative and program alignment initiatives and their effect on tuition and fees going forward that all eight of the technical colleges have decided not to propose any tuition and/or fee increases.
ACTION: Recommend approval of no increase to the general tuition rate for FY 2022-2023.
Item 5
College Fees for Postsecondary Students
Wendy Carter, Executive VP & Provost
In accordance with the Utah System of Higher Education Tuition and Fees Policy R517, The BTECH Board of Trustees shall at least annually review the recommendations of the institution’s course and program fee committee for requests to establish, revise, or repeal course and program fees.
The Utah Board of Higher Education has established affordability as a strategic priority. To support that priority, institutions and boards of trustees should consider the impact course fees and program fees have on the cost of attendance.
In addition to board-approved tuition and general student fees, institutions may assess course-based and program-based fees for certificate programs. Course fees and program fees may be instituted to cover direct costs essential to the educational outcomes for specific course or program offerings. These fees often include materials that cannot be purchased by individual students or for which bulk purchases reduce the cost to students (i.e., course materials, tooling, uniforms, laundry, testing, off-site instructional activities, supplies used in instruction; instructional equipment; student licensure and certifications; maintenance of laboratory equipment, computer software, subscriptions, etc.)
USHE Policy R517-6 Delegation of Authority to Establish Course Fees states, "The board delegates to the boards of trustees the responsibility to review, approve, adjust, and repeal course fees and program fees.
Handout: Postsecondary Fees
ACTION: Recommend approval of the college fees for postsecondary students for FY 2022-2023.
Item 6
College Fees for Secondary Students
Renee Milne, Associate VP for Student Services
Provided for your information and review are the proposed secondary student fees. Class offerings with the fees associated will be available online after this date. By March 31 of each year, school district representatives on the college board of trustees are required by USHE Policy # to provide written notification of the approved fee schedule to the board of education president of their respective districts. In addition, the technical college president shall provide written notification of the approved fee schedule to each school district superintendent and the chief administrative officers of charter/private schools in the geographic area served by the college, and to the commissioner.
Handout: Secondary Fees
ACTION: Recommend approval of the college fees for secondary students for FY 2022-2023 and agreement (where applicable) to notify the board of education president of their respective districts.
Item 7
Legislative Update
Chad Campbell, President
A brief update regarding the 2022 General Session of the Legislature will be provided at the meeting.
Land Bank Request
Bridgerland Technical College has worked hard for many years to acquire land adjacent to the college. With the board’s approval, the college submitted a land bank request for this “temporarily available” land during the 2022 General Session of the Legislature. The funding request was prioritized #3 by the Infrastructure and General Governmental Operations (IGG) appropriations subcommittee. Senator Chris Wilson, senate chair of the committee, was instrumental in prioritizing this project. The Executive Appropriations Committee prioritized the project #1, ultimately funding it with SB03 out of the Education Fund (Income Tax Fund), which will become available by July 1.
The funding is to acquire the two pieces of property located immediately west of the current Bridgerland property line and extends the college property all of the way to 1000 West. There is an existing 105,000 square-foot structure on the northern property, which the college will use productively as soon after taking ownership as possible. Because this was a land bank request, there isn’t any Operation and Maintenance (O&M) funding for the new structure, so anything put in the facility will need to generate enough revenue to cover the cost of O&M minimally.
The college is working with the DFCM real estate agent and the property owners to finalize the purchases as quickly as possible. After a 90-day due diligence process, the close date is anticipated for mid-July to August.
Handout: Land Bank Request
Operating Budget
Administration is requesting support to prepare the FY 2022-2023 Operating Budget utilizing the funding in accordance with the budget request approved by this board and the Utah Board of Higher Education before the session. As you may recall, Bridgerland’s Operating Budget Request included:
- Compensation and benefits – $841,400 funded
Approximately 5.75% for labor market adjustments
Approximately 6.70% for health and dental insurance adjustments
- New program expansion (FTE faculty and staff for the Health Sciences building) – $962,900 funded
- One-time equipment – $348,800 funded
- Custom Fit expansion – $100,000 funded
The college seeks support to prepare the budget with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and merit-based compensation increases under direction provided by the Commissioner and legislative language.
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 8
Policy Updates
Chad Campbell, President
Changes in laws and accreditation requirements prompt the majority of updates to policies and plans. Policies with updates have been identified below. Proposed changes are indicated with red (new) and strikethrough (omission). Administration will be present at the meeting to address any questions or comments from the board.
- Policy 103 – Governing Authority
- Policy 201 – Authority Amendments
- Policy 350 – Educational Benefits – Benefits-Eligible Employees
- New Section – College Foundations & Non-Profit Organizations
ACTION: Recommend approval of the policy updates to be effective immediately.
Item 9
Chief Development Officer Report
Frank Stewart, Chief Development Officer
A brief update will be provided.
Handout: Development Officer Report
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 10
Utah Board of Higher Education (UBHE) Report
Dr. Scott Theurer, UBHE Representative
A brief update from the Utah Board of Higher Education will be provided.
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 11
Information Items
A. Custom Fit Training Department – Year to Date
Fiscal Year | Trainees | Training Hours | Total Companies | New Companies |
20-21 Qtr 2 | 1,645 | 23,093 | 160 | 17 |
21-22 Qtr 2 | 1,986 | 22,827 | 170 | 9 |
B. Management of College Investments
Bridgerland Technical College’s controller, under the direction of the college president and the college board of trustees, invests the college funds in the Utah Public Treasurers’ Investment Funds (UPTIF) and follows the rules of the Utah System of Higher Education, the State Money Management Act, and the rules of the State Money Management Council. Quarterly investment reports are provided to the college president and the board. This file is available as a link.
Handout: Investment Report
C. Stand-Alone Courses
In accordance with USHE Policy 200, Section 5.1.2, courses not part of an approved certificate shall be approved by the chief instructional officer and reported to the college board of trustees as an information item. The current schedule is included as a link and is always available online at No new courses to be considered.
D. Calendar/Happenings
- Calendar available at
- April 21 & 22: Spring Fashion Show, 7:30 p.m.
- May 4 & 5: Career Days
- June 8: General Graduation at Ridgeline High School, 6 p.m.
- Board Meeting Dates
- June 20, 2022
- August 22, 2022
- December 5, 2022
Item 12