Bridgerland Technical College

November 15, 2021


NOVEMBER 15, 2021, 4 P.M.


Item 1

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome


Item 2

Training on Open and Public Meeting Laws

Eric Petersen, USHE Legal Counsel

Every state has open meeting laws for accountability and transparency. These requirements are to be reviewed annually. Eric Petersen, Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Legal Counsel, will provide the training. For more information, see Utah Code Title 52 – Chapter 04 – Open and Public Meetings Act.

Handout(s): Training materials

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 3

Consent Calendar Approval

  1. Minutes from the August 23, 2021, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.
  2. 2021-2022 Strategic Planning Tri-Annual Highlights

To provide timely evaluation of progress toward achieving the objectives in the Strategic Plan, Administration created the 2021-2022 Strategic Planning Tri-Annual Highlights document. This document provides an opportunity for the College to evaluate progress toward achieving the objectives defined in the strategic plan and celebrate successes primarily for the July 2021 to October 2021 timeframe.

Handout(s): Minutes, 2021-2022 Strategic Planning Tri-Annual Highlights

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Consent Calendar items: (A) Minutes, (B) 2021-2022 Strategic Planning Tri-Annual Highlights


Item 4

Health Sciences Building Update

Wendy Carter, Executive Vice President

After spending five months with six different architect/contractor teams, the Division of Facilities and Construction Management’s (DFCM) value-based selection process is finally complete. Wendy Carter will provide an update on who was selected and the timeline for completion. New renderings will be shown.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 5

Policy Updates

Chad Campbell, President

Lisa Rock, Controller

Changes in laws and accreditation requirements prompt the majority of updates to policies and plans. Policies with updates have been identified below. Proposed changes are indicated with red and strikethrough. Administration will be present at the meeting to address any questions or comments from the Board.

  • Policy 102 – Creation of USTC and BTECH (discontinuing)
  • Policy 103 – Governing Authority (officer term limits will be discussed)
  • Policy 201 – Authority and Amendments of Sections 100-900
  • Policy 345 – Benefits – Benefits-Eligible Employees
  • Policy 352 – Coronavirus-Related Paid Sick – New Policy
  • Policy 581 – Purchasing Card – New Policy

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Policy Updates as provided.


Item 6

Articles of Incorporation – Bridgerland Innovation Foundation

Troy Christensen, Vice President for Economic Development

Utah Code Section 53B-2-112 entitled “Formation of non-profit corporations or foundations” provides specific authorization for Bridgerland Techncial College to “form a non-profit corporation or foundation to aid or assist the institution of higher education, within the institutions of higher education’s mission and role described in section 53B-16-101, in meeting the institution of higher education’s charitable, scientific, literary, research, and educational, or other objectives...”

In harmony with such purposes, Bridgerland Technical College is proposing a new 501(c)(3) corporation be formed to facilitate a major purpose of the College, economic development. The Bridgerland Innovation Foundation will allow the College to help facilitate economic activities such as business expansion, business development, innovation, and other resources to help new businesses be successful. It will also foster emerging technologies and services and assist in the expansion of current businesses. This will boost the local economy and help students with relevant, meaningful, continuing work opportunities.

A copy of the proposed Articles of Incorporation is included for your information. Bridgerland Administration will be present to provide additional information and to discuss any questions the Board might have.

Proposed Board members:

  • Lisa Clawson, BTECH Trustee (Pending)
  • Jack Draxler, BTECH Trustee
  • Russell Fisher, Director, USU Center for Entrepreneurship
  • Larry Hepworth, CFO, Design West
  • Mike Hopkins, Retired Businessman/Entreprenuer
  • Nancy Kennedy, BTECH Trustee
  • Paul Nelson, BTECH Trustee

Handout(s): Articles of Incorporation

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Articles of Incorporation – Bridgerland Innovation Foundation.


Item 7

Alternate Retirement Plan – Temporary Bank Account

Chad Campbell, President

During the June 21, 2021, Board meeting, the Trustees took action to update BTECH Policy 300.345 “Benefits – Benefits-Eligible Employees” to change the approved provider for the “Alternate” retirement plan from the Utah Interlocal Educational Benefits Trust (UIEBT) administered by Educators Mutual Association to the Utah Retirement System (URS). The Board made that approval based on a recommendation from BTECH Administration following careful negotiations and approval from URS.

Subsequent to approval, the URS withdrew their willingness to serve as the “Alternate” plan provider leaving Bridgerland rushing to find a new option. Administration, Accounting, and Human Resources worked hard to evaluate other potential plan providers and settled on one of the leading public higher education retirement plan providers in the country, Transamerica.

Because of the short timeline between when URS declined and Transamerica was selected, there will be a period of time when employer and employee contributions to the “Alternate” retirement plan will occur before Transamerica has completed the process of setting up the individual accounts. Accordingly, they have asked us, and the law requires us, to set up a temporary bank account to hold those retirement funds completely segregated from any other College account. The Board Leadership Committee (Executive Committee) met with Chad Campbell and Lisa Rock to get authorization to set up a temporary account. College policy requires this as an information item at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. College administrators will be available in the meeting to address any questions the Board might have.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 8

Program Changes

Wendy Carter, Executive Vice President & Provost

In 2016, the Business Technology program was tasked with the challenge to pilot a 100 percent distance education option to expand accessibility for students. Because the U.S. Department of Education prohibited financial aid for distance delivered instruction, it has been limited to only self-pay students. In spite of the financial responsibility, the College has seen increased student interest in this distance delivery option. Because of the enrollment changes, the College has identified having two face-to-face locations with low enrollments is no longer feasible.

However, longitudinal studies have identified statistically significant differences in student performance between online and traditional courses. Nationally, student retention for online delivery is lower than for students attending face-to-face. Students who choose online are quite possibly the students who may be juggling a multitude of demands while enrolled. With many other competing priorities, the result is a complicated struggle to succeed.

The College is proposing the closure of the Business Technology program only at the Brigham City campus. The intent is to transition the faculty member to a primary role as the online instructor for the main campus to improve retention and success rates of our online student population.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Program Changes as outlined.


Item 9

Information Items

A. Custom Fit Training Department – Year to Date

Fiscal Year Trainees Training Hours Total Companies New Companies
20-21 Qtr 1 1,078 9,498 134 11
20-21 Qtr 2 1,645 23,093 160 17
20-21 Qtr 3 3,659 46,800 181 21
20-21 Qtr 4 4,721 82,028 199 32


B. Management of College Investments

Bridgerland Technical College’s Controller, under the direction of the College president and the College Board of Trustees, invests the College funds in the Utah Public Treasurers’ Investment Funds (UPTIF) and follows the rules of the Utah System of Higher Education, the State Money Management Act, and the rules of the State Money Management Council. Quarterly investment reports are provided to the College president and the Board of Trustees.

Handout(s): Investment Report 1st Qtr


C. Stand-Alone Courses

In accordance with USHE Policy 200, Section 5.1.2, courses not part of an approved certificate shall be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer and reported to the College Board of Trustees as an information item. The current schedule is included as a link and is always available online at

Handout(s): CE Courses


D. Calendar/Happenings


Item 10
