Bridgerland Technical College

December 4, 2023


DECEMBER 4, 2023, 4 P.M.


Item 1

Start Recording: State Date, Time, Place of Meeting, and Members Present

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome


Item 2

Consent Calendar Approval

A. Minutes

Minutes from the August 28, 2023, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Consent Calendar items.


Item 3

Training on Open and Public Meeting Laws

Nancy Kennedy, Board Chair

Every state has open meeting laws for accountability and transparency. These requirements are to be reviewed annually. The board will complete the online training during the meeting. For more information, see Utah Code Title 52 – Chapter 04 – Open and Public Meetings Act.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 4

Program Training

Kim Ziebarth, USHE Associate Commissioner

Kim will provide training on program reviews and alignment.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 5

Programs at Risk

Lisa Moon, Vice President for Instruction

As the college approaches the submission of the COE 22-23 Annual report, two programs are not meeting the required benchmark for completion, placement, or licensure (CPL). COE refers to programs that do not meet benchmarks as "triggered" programs.

Phlebotomy is a short three-credit (90-hour) program offered at the Logan campus. Many students have taken this training because venipuncture is a valued skill-set they want to obtain prior to pursuing a health-related career, but not necessarily with the intent to obtain employment. Historically, placement in this program has been challenging as a result. Placement in phlebotomy is currently 68%. The required benchmark for placement is 70%. The college remains hopeful that this benchmark will be met as the employment status of the 22-23 students gets updated. However, in the long run, the college would like to see the Utah System of Higher Education address and define the difference between short-term training and a program through policy. Short educational experiences like phlebotomy, which the legislature has referred to as smaller achievements in the past, would be better served in a short-term training category. Associate Commissioner Ziebarth has been working on these operational definitions, and the college hopes to see policies come forward that address these issues in the upcoming year.

Information Technology is a program that is offered on both the Logan and Brigham City campuses. Last year, the Information Technology program's completion was 43% on the Brigham City campus. The required benchmark for completion is 60%. This program will be triggered. Information Technology had unique challenges last year, including small cohort size, change in department head, faculty with limited qualifications, and faculty turn-over/relocation. The college has secured a highly qualified and charismatic department head for this program who has a vision for how the college can remedy the completion issue. Because of the change in leadership and this board's strong support of maintaining Brigham City student options, the college has decided to move forward with an Institutional Plan for Improvement with COE. This is the first time the college will engage in this programmatic remediation with COE. Administration and program leadership plan for success, but transparency with the board is essential. If the Information Technology completion rate can’t be remedied by June of 2024, the college may have to look at closing the adult program at the Brigham City location.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 6

USHE Funding Models - Update

Chad Campbell, President

The Utah State Legislature and the Utah Board of Higher Education have developed two different funding formulas or models that will be used during the 2024 General Session of the Legislature. These two formulas or funding models include Performance Funding and Growth Funding. Bridgerland Administration will be present in the meeting to provide the board with an update on the current status of the college in relation to these funding models. The update will include performance results for FY22-23 and goal setting for FY23-24.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 7

Policy Updates

Brandi Gittins, AVP for Finance & Facilities

Changes in laws and accreditation requirements prompt the majority of updates to policies and plans. Policies with updates have been identified below. Proposed changes are indicated with red (new) and strikethrough (omission). Administration will be present at the meeting to address any questions or comments from the board.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the policy updates as outlined above.


Item 8

Audit Committee Changes

Nancy Kennedy, Board Chair

Neil Perkes, Roger Pulsipher, and Eric Wamsley will have fulfilled their terms and will be going off the board June 30, 2024. All three board members currently serve on the Audit Committee, so new members will need to be selected to replace them in this capacity. Board leadership will ask for volunteers at the meeting to facilitate a smooth transition with an upcoming audit in the spring.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 9

Information Items

A. Management of College Investments

Bridgerland Technical College's associate VP for finance & facilities, under the direction of the college president and the college Board of Trustees, invests the college funds in the Utah Public Treasurers' Investment Funds (UPTIF) and follows the rules of the Utah System of Higher Education, the State Money Management Act, and the rules of the State Money Management Council. Quarterly investment reports are provided to the college president and the board. Link is available here.

B. Calendar/Happenings

  • Calendar available at
    • December 7: General Graduation @ Ridgeline High School, 6 p.m.
  • Board Meeting Dates
    • March 18, 2024
    • June 24, 2024
    • August 26, 2024


Item 10



Item 11

Tour of Health Sciences Building

Upon conclusion of the Board meeting, interested members are invited to a quick tour of the new building.