BTECH Spring Graduation
In June of 2019, Bridgerland Technical College was pleased to honor the graduating students of 2019 in the school’s annual spring graduation ceremony.
During graduation, there was palpable excitement in the air and it was evident that the audience had come to this event for a special reason; to support our graduating students.
The ceremony began with the graduates parading down the aisle in their traditional black robes and gowns. Each student wore a metal medallion shaped into the BTECH logo around their necks, along with their 2019 cap tassels.
The speakers did a phenomenal job of advising the students on successful habits they could take into their future careers.
As the ceremony closed, the graduates in participation appeared to be enthusiastic as they waited for their name to be called so that they could walked across the stage and receive their diplomas.
The instructors and school administration greeted each student with pride in their eyes as they shook their hands and recognized them as accomplished graduates of BTECH. We look forward to honoring this great accomplishment that many of our students achieve and are excited to see where each talented student takes their future careers.