Building Technology High School House Bid
Offers are now being accepted on the Bridgerland Technical College high school project house. Please submit all sealed bids to Brandi Gittins, Bridgerland Technical College, 1301 North 600 West, Logan, UT 84321. Bids are due by 2 p.m. Thursday, July 6, 2023.
Conditions of the Offer:
- Cashier’s check or money order payable to Bridgerland Technical College in the amount of $1,500 must accompany the offer at the date of submittal.
- If offer is accepted, earnest money will be applied to the purchase price. Earnest money will be refunded if offer is not accepted.
- Forfeiture of the $1,500 cashier’s check or money order of the accepted offer, will be required, if the offer is rescinded by the applicant.
- Balance of offer is due by Thursday, August 3, 2023 and before house is moved from Bridgerland Technical College.
- All offers are to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to Brandi Gittins. Please indicate on the envelope that the offer is for the High School Project House.
- All offers will be submitted in the form of, “what the buyer will pay above and beyond the final cost incurred by Bridgerland Technical College for the construction of the home.” (Bridgerland Technical College’s estimated final project cost is approximately $68,500.)
- Home must be removed from BTECH property by Thursday, August 31, 2023.
- Bridgerland Technical College reserves the right to reject any and all offers.
- House is sold “as is” and is the buyer’s responsibility to move the house to their location.
- After the bid is accepted by Bridgerland Technical College, sales tax (7%) will be added to the final price, as required.