Bridgerland Technical College

March 6, 2023

Bridgerland Technical College
Board of Trustees
Institutional Advisory Committee
1301 North 600 West, Logan, Utah



Item 1

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome


Item 2

Board Meeting Minutes

Eric Wamsley, Board Chair

Minutes from the December 5, 2022, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.

ACTION: Recommend approval of the minutes.


Item 3

Audit Committee Report –

Audited Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

Roger Pulsipher, Audit Committee Chair

Wes Marler, Controller

Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities

The Bridgerland Technical College Audited Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2022, along with the Government Auditing Standards (GAS) report on internal control are in draft form and will be available upon completion. Auditors from the Office of the Utah State Auditor are scheduled to participate in a video conference call with the Audit Committee meeting prior to the board meeting to present Bridgerland’s draft audit report. Roger Pulsipher, chair of the Audit Committee, will provide the board with a summary of the Audit Committee meeting.

Controller Wes Marler, the person responsible for external financial reporting at the college, will be present to discuss the audit results, the college's financial position, and address any questions or comments the board may have. Bridgerland administration will also be available to address any questions or comments.



ACTION: Recommend acceptance of the Audited Draft Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2022.


Item 4

Program Changes

Wendy Carter, Executive Vice President & Provost

Lisa Moon, Vice President of Instruction

The Utah Board of Higher Education Strategic Plan includes a tactic to facilitate coordination among technical education programs. The purpose is to align program structure and course content to support articulation and transfer to degree granting institutions.

Faculty committees have worked tirelessly over the last year to create unified program names, lengths, and descriptions.  The USHE Board has approved the alignment, and as a result the following program changes are being brought forward for Board of Trustee review and approval. Approved changes will be forwarded to the Council on Occupational Education before final adoption in July of 2023.

A program list link is provided highlighting program alignment changes that include any of the following:

  • CIP Code
  • Program Name
  • Program Length
  • Number of Credits

Faculty committees that have not yet met consensus will continue working on alignment efforts for implementation in July 2024.

Handout: Program Changes

ACTION: Recommend approval of program changes as outlined.


Item 5

College Fees for Secondary Students

Renee Milne, Associate VP for Student Services

Provided for your information and review are the proposed secondary student fees. Class offerings with the fees associated will be available online after July 1. School district representatives on the college board of trustees are encouraged to provide notification of the approved fee schedule to the board of education president of their respective districts. In addition, Student Services will provide the approved fee schedule to each of the public high schools and the charter/private schools in the geographic area served by the college.

Handout: College Fees for Secondary Students

ACTION: Recommend approval of the college fees for secondary students for FY 2023-2024.


Item 6

College Fees for Postsecondary Students

Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities

In accordance with the Utah System of Higher Education Tuition and Fees Policy R517, The BTECH Board of Trustees shall at least annually review the recommendations of the institution’s course and program fee committee for requests to establish, revise, or repeal course and program fees.

The Utah Board of Higher Education has established affordability as a strategic priority. To support that priority, institutions and boards of trustees should consider the impact course fees and program fees have on the cost of attendance.

In addition to board-approved tuition, institutions may assess course-based and program-based fees. Course fees and program fees may be instituted to cover direct costs essential to the educational outcomes for specific course or program offerings. These fees often include materials that cannot be purchased by individual students or for which bulk purchases reduce the cost to students (i.e., course materials, tooling, uniforms, laundry, testing, off-site instructional activities, supplies used in instruction; instructional equipment; student licensure and certifications; maintenance of laboratory equipment, computer software, subscriptions, etc.)

USHE Policy R517-6 Delegation of Authority to Establish Course Fees states, "The board delegates to the boards of trustees the responsibility to review, approve, adjust, and repeal course fees and program fees.

Handout: College Fees for Postsecondary Students

ACTION: Recommend approval of the college fees for postsecondary students for FY 2023-2024.


Item 7

Bank Account Closure

Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities

A Zion’s Bank account has historically been in place for secondary student fees in Rich County. Due to fees being eliminated for secondary students in Rich County, this account is dormant and is no longer needed. To mitigate risk, this account needs to be closed and the remaining balance transferred.

ACTION: Recommend approval to close the Rich County Zion’s Bank account.


Item 8

Performance Funding Metric Goals

Chad Campbell, President

The Board of Trustees approved the College performance funding metrics at the August 22, 2022, meeting, again at the October 27, 2022, Executive Board Leadership meeting, and again at the December 5, 2022, meeting. Pursuant to data provided to the college on January 25, 2023, along with new authoritative guidance, approving performance funding metrics is necessary once again. Included with this agenda item is the new goal setting form provided by the Commissioner’s Office along with the new goals being proposed for Bridgerland Technical College.

Administration will be present to discuss how the goals were calculated and how the college will be successful in meeting them.

Handout: Performance Funding Metric Goals

ACTION: Recommend approval of the new performance goals along with permission for college administration to use the same strategy for goal setting if another opportunity occurs.


Item 9

Legislative Update

Chad Campbell, President

A brief update regarding the 2023 General Session of the Legislature will be provided at the meeting. More information will be available upon the close of the session.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 10

Policy Updates

Chad Campbell, President

Changes in laws and accreditation requirements prompt the majority of updates to policies and plans. Policies with updates have been identified below. Proposed changes are indicated with red (new) and strikethrough (omission). Administration will be present at the meeting to address any questions or comments from the board.

The Utah System of Higher Education’s clock-hour to credit conversion initiative requires a review of policies to change “clock-hour” to “credit” as necessary. The college requests latitude to update policies in this manner.

Jean Dunn, Chief Compliance Officer

Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities

ACTION: Recommend approval of the policy updates, new policies, and latitude to change “clock-hour” to “credit” as necessary.


Item 11

Continuing Education Report

Wendy Carter, Executive VP & Provost

Jennifer Tenhoeve, Director of Continuing Education

Jennifer Tenhoeve’s new role as Director of Continuing Education will be introduced and she will provide an update.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 12

Utah Board of Higher Education (UBHE) Report

Dr. Scott Theurer, UBHE Representative

A brief update from the UBHE will be provided.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.


Item 13

Information Items

A. Custom Fit Training Department – Year to Date

Fiscal Year Trainees Training Hours Total Companies New Companies
21-22 Qtr 2 1,986 22,827 170 9
22-23 Qtr 2 2,868 45,224 183 7


B. Management of College Investments

Bridgerland Technical College's Associate VP for Finance & Facilities, under the direction of the college president and the college Board of Trustees, invests the college funds in the Utah Public Treasurers' Investment Funds (UPTIF) and follows the rules of the Utah System of Higher Education, the State Money Management Act, and the rules of the State Money Management Council. Quarterly investment reports are provided to the college president and the board.

Handout: Investment Report 2nd Quarter


C. Calendar/Happenings

  • Calendar available at
    • May 3 & 4 – Career Days
    • May 18, 6 p.m. – Utah Board of Higher Education Dinner @ BTECH
    • Board Meeting Dates
      • June 26, 2023
      • August 28, 2023
      • December 4, 2023


Item 14
