Nurse Appreciation Week

Recently, the Practical Nursing program celebrated Nurse Appreciation Week at Bridgerland Technical College. We love our Practical Nursing students here at BTECH and were grateful for the opportunity to treat them with a guest speaker this year.

We had the privilege of hearing from Teresa Fuller, MSN, RN, who shared an inspiring message. She eloquently told us that when our voices are united we can have a great impact and when nurses change lives that is what changes everything. We also provided our nurses with a complete food buffet.

In Gallup’s 2019 poll assessing ethics and honesty, nurses were again ranked the most-trusted profession in the United States for the 20th year going 4,000,000 strong. We are proud to say that we stand behind the students in the Practical Nursing program and all of the effort they put into earning trust with the residents of our community. We are grateful to our nurses and look forward to seeing the good will and efforts that will go into their future careers.