Point of Contact: Miki Brent
For Utah Valley University Students
Email: articulations@uvu.edu
Website: www.uvu.edu/pathways/tech-transfer
Finish a Bridgerland Technical College certificate in a qualifying program and get on a path to a 2 or 4-year degree from UVU.

Healthcare Services, A.A.S.
The Associate of Applied Science in Healthcare Services is designed for individuals working in a health-related area who have obtained, or are working toward, a technical certification, license, or are interested in qualifying for entry-level roles in healthcare.

Technology, A.A.S.
The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Technology is designed for individuals seeking to work in a technical area or who have considerable work experience seeking better upward mobility in their professions.

Automotive Technology, A.A.S.
One-Year Certificate, a Two-Year Diploma, an Associate in Applied Science Degree, an Associate in Science, and the Bachelor of Science in Technology Management Degree.

Collision Repair Technology, A.A.S.
Collision Repair Technology is a two year AAS Degree program that provides students with the ability to learn industries best practices in

Construction Management, B.S.
Students may earn an Associate in Applied Science degree. The Clyde Institute of Construction Management Program has been designed to provide students a strong foundation in Construction Management

Information Systems and Technology, A.A.S.
The two-year AAS in Information Systems and Technology is designed to help students develop job-ready computer skills to meet today's industry needs.

Diesel Mechanics Technology, A.A.S.
One-Year Certificate, a Diploma, the Associate in Applied Science Degree, and the Bachelor of Science in Technology Management Degree.