Bridgerland Technical College

March 22, 2021


MARCH 22, 2021, 4 P.M.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, requesting access to the public meeting can be made by emailing by 1 p.m. the day of the meeting.


Item 1

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome


Item 2

Consent Calendar Approval

A. Minutes from the November 16, 2020, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.

B. Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-2020 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report Final Certification

The FY 2019-2020 Student Enrollment and Outcomes Report, for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2020, was reviewed by the Board of Trustees in the August 24, 2020, Board meeting. As provided in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Policy 205.11.2, Bridgerland continued to track outcomes of FY 2019-2020 certificate-seeking students after the end of the fiscal year and provided a follow-up data submission in February. Additional non-graduate/early-hire completers and re-enrolled students were reported. Completion rates for certificate-seeking students have been recalculated, given these updated student outcomes. The Bridgerland Technical College President along with the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President for Student Services have certified that the submitted follow-up data comply with all applicable statutes and policies and have verified that the updated completion rates are accurate to the best of their knowledge. The final certification was submitted to USHE on February 26, 2021, as required by policy. Click here to view the report.

Technical Colleges Summary

C. Proposed General Tuition Rate

The Bridgerland Technical College Board of Trustees traditionally makes a recommendation for a tuition rate increase, if any, to the Utah System of Higher Education on an annual basis. This recommendation is typically based on input from the College Administration as needed. However, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the Governor’s Office recommended a “freeze on tuition until affordability is adequately defined” for all Higher Education Institutions. This recommendation from the Governor aligns with what the College Administration would also propose. For your information, it is our understanding that all of the technical colleges are proposing no tuition increases for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022.

D. Proposed Differential Tuition Rates

BTECH Administration requests the renewal of a differential tuition rate for the Farm and Ranch Management continuing education course(s) and Assessment & Learning pre-admission support course(s). Differential tuition rates for these have been in existence for many years; however, USHE Policy 204.6 (6.4) dictates that the Utah Board of Higher Education approve the differential rates annually. Accordingly, with the consent and recommendation of Bridgerland’s Board of Trustees, a letter will be sent to the USHE Commissioner with the tuition and differential rates, which have not changed.

1. Farm /Ranch Business Management:

Beginning students: $210/annually

Advanced students: $240/annually

Justification: Farm/Ranch Business Management began in the early to mid-1980s in an effort to help small- and medium-sized farms and ranches become successful. For each year of its existence, it has operated with a differential tuition rate. In prior years, the process of renewing the differential rate was virtually automatic and occurred at the same time the regular tuition rate was approved.

2. Assessment & Learning Center:

All students: $20/month

Justification: The Assessment & Learning Center exists as a resource to help students transition from wherever they are academically, to a level that will ensure success in their chosen training program. The Assessment & Learning Center does not result in an occupational credential but rather prepares students for success in both their chosen training program and eventual occupation. This center has also existed since the mid-1980s and has always operated with a differential tuition rate. The rate has been established as a means of removing or at least reducing barriers to enrollment as students move through the remedial math, English, and/or reading curriculum at their own pace. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, students are then prepared to enter one of the College’s training programs and will be charged the UBHE approved tuition rate for their chosen occupational program.

E. Policy 608 Update – Student Grievance

This policy's change adds a paragraph related to maintaining records on student complaints to include evidence of resolution. Although the College has long maintained these records, putting language in the policy ensures the practice continues. Reference to Policy 607 Nondiscrimination and Policy 533 Title IX and Protection from Sex Discrimination was also added. Click here to review the policy updates.


ACTION: Recommend approval of the Consent Calendar items: (A) Minutes from the November 16, 2020, Board meeting, (B) USTC Student Enrollment & Outcomes Final Certification, (C) Proposed General Tuition Rate, (D) Proposed Differential Tuition Rates, and (E) Policy 608 Update – Student Grievance.


Item 3

Introduction of New Board Member

Nancy Kennedy, Board Chair

Pursuant to Utah Code 53B-2a-108, John Ferry has been appointed by the Utah State University Board of Trustees as a new higher education representative on the BTECH Board of Trustees. John will be asked to provide a brief introduction so we can get to know him better.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 4

Audit Committee Report –

Audited Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2020

Roger Pulsipher, Audit Committee Chair

Lisa Rock, Controller

Wes Marler, Senior Accountant

The Bridgerland Technical College Audited Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2020, along with the Government Auditing Standards (GAS) report on internal control and the auditors required communications are available online. Auditors from the Office of the Utah State Auditor participated in a video conference call with the Audit Committee meeting prior to Board Meeting for presentation of Bridgerland’s audit report along with the list of required communications. Roger Pulsipher, Chair of the Audit Committee, will provide the Board with a summary of the Audit Committee Meeting.

Wes Marler, Senior Accountant, and the person responsible for external financial reporting at the College will be present to discuss the audit results, discuss the financial position of the College, and address any questions or comments the Board may have. Bridgerland Administration will also be available to address any questions or comments.

FY 2019-2020 Audit Report
FY 2019-2020 Annual Financial Report & Required Communications - Closing Packet
FY 2019-2020 Explanation of Changes in Net Position

ACTION: Recommend acceptance of the Audit Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2020.


Item 5

Legislative Update

Chad Campbell, President

A brief update regarding the 2021 General Session of the Legislature will be provided at the meeting. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 Utah System of Higher Education Appropriations file is available online as a link.

Health Sciences Building

Bridgerland Technical College has worked hard for many years to get a new Health Sciences Building. Excitingly, the building was funded as the number one priority during the 2020 General Session of the Legislature. As you know, this building became another casualty of the global pandemic last June. We are again excited to report that it was funded as the number one priority for all new state buildings during the 2021 General Session of the Legislature.

It has taken a team of people all working together to help this building become a reality, and we want to express our sincere appreciation to the many legislators, various boards and committees, community and business leaders, donors, Bridgerland faculty and staff, and students who have all worked to make this happen.

A short presentation about the building design and location will be provided. The programming and planning phase has been completed and is being reviewed by the “program specialist” hired by DFCM to manage the project.

Operating Budget

Administration is requesting support to prepare the FY 2021-2022 Operating Budget utilizing the funding in accordance with the budget request approved by this Board and the Utah Board of Higher Education before the session. Also, the College seeks support to prepare the budget with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and merit-based compensation increases under direction provided by the Commissioner and legislative language.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 6

Program Changes

Wendy Carter, Executive Vice President & Provost

Included for Board information and review are proposed program changes with an effective implementation date of July 1, 2021. Outlined are program modifications for consideration:

  • Cybersecurity – program deletion
  • Data Analytics – new 450 hours
  • Fire and Rescue Services – hour change from 860 to 600 hours
  • Business Technology - add "Hybrid" as a mode of delivery
  • Information Technology – name change to IT & Cybersecurity for both Main Campus and Branch Campus
  • Phlebotomy – CIP code change

College administrative staff will be present at the meeting to explain the proposed changes. Once approved by the Board of Trustees, application for approval will be forwarded to the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and as an informational item to the Utah System of Higher Education.

The program list with changes is provided as an online link.

ACTION: Recommend approval of Program Changes as outlined.


Item 7

Utah Board of Higher Education (UBHE) Report

Dr. Scott Theurer, UBHE Representative

Chad Campbell, President

A brief update from the Utah Board of Higher Education will be provided.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 8

Information Items

A. Custom Fit Training Department – Year to Date

Fiscal Year Trainees Training Hours Total Companies New Companies
19-20 Qtr 2 2,257 25,378 176 19
20-21 Qtr 2 1,645 23,093 160 17


B. Stand-Alone Courses

  • In accordance with USHE Policy 200, Section 5.1.2, courses not part of an approved certificate shall be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer and reported to the College Board of Trustees as an information item. The current schedule is included as a link and is always available online at No new courses need approval at this time.


C. Board of Trustees’ Duties and Responsibilities

  • To ensure the Utah System of Higher Education is efficient, effective, and delivers world-class instruction and research, the Utah Board of Higher Education and institutional boards of trustees must align responsibility and authority. The Board of Higher Education has established responsibilities and authorities for the Board, the boards of trustees, presidents, and the Commissioner. This file is available as a link.


D. Calendar/Happenings

  • LatinX Event: March 26, 2021
  • FFA Competitions (Animal Sciences & Meat Services): April 27
  • Welding Technology Competition: April 15
  • Meat Services Ribbon Cutting: April 21
  • Machining Technology Ribbon Cutting: May 13
  • Spring Fashion Show: May 20
  • General Graduation: June 2, Ridgeline High School
  • Nursing Graduation: June 10
  • 50th Anniversary Celebration: June 25
  • Calendar available at
    • Board Meeting Dates
      • June 21, 2021
      • August 23, 2021
      • November 15, 2021


Item 9
