Bridgerland Technical College
March 18, 2024
4 P.M.
Item 1
Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome
Item 2
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the December 4, 2023, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the minutes.
Item 3
Audit Committee Composition
Nancy Kennedy, Board Chair
Thank you to Roger Pulsipher, Neil Perkes, and Eric Wamsley for their service on the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee composition has been reorganized with the following members: Karina Brown, Chad Campbell, Lisa Clawson (Vice Chair), Jack Draxler (Chair), Brandi Gittins, Emily Hobbs, Monica Holdaway, and Mark Smoot. The Executive Leadership Committee has extended an invitation to Jack Draxler to serve as Audit Committee Chair and Lisa Clawson as Vice Chair.
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 4
Audit Committee Report –
Audited Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
Jack Draxler, Audit Committee Chair
Wes Marler, Controller
Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities
The Bridgerland Technical College Audited Draft Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2023, along with the Government Auditing Standards (GAS) report on internal control and the auditors' required communications are now available. Auditors from the Office of the Utah State Auditor are scheduled to participate in a video conference call with the Audit Committee meeting prior to the board meeting to present Bridgerland’s audit report and list of required communications. Jack Draxler, chair of the Audit Committee, will provide the board with a summary of the Audit Committee meeting.
Controller Wes Marler, the person responsible for external financial reporting at the college, will be present to discuss the audit results, the college's financial position, and address any questions or comments the board may have. Bridgerland administration will also be available to address any questions or comments.
Handout: FY2022-2023 Required Communications, Draft Annual Financial Report, Management Representation Letter
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of the Audited Draft Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2023.
Item 5
Tuition & General Fees
Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities
Bridgerland Technical College, in conjunction with the Utah System of Higher Education and the other technical colleges, implemented a complete restructuring of tuition rates beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 when the college changed from clock hours to credit hours. That change was designed to be revenue-neutral to the institution in all material respects. Because FY 2023-2024 is still in session and it appears the new credit-based tuition rate will be revenue neutral in all material respects, BTECH is not proposing or recommending a tuition rate increase. Therefore, the proposed tuition rate will remain at $95/credit for FY 2024-2025.
Based on the Utah Board of Higher Education’s Policy R516 General Student Fees, section R516-5, technical colleges are not authorized to charge general student fees. Accordingly, no general student fees exist at BTECH.
ACTION: Recommend no tuition increase and no general fees for FY 2024-2025.
Item 6
Course and Program Fees for Secondary Students
Renee Milne, Associate VP for Student Services
The proposed secondary student fees are provided for the board’s information and review. Class offerings with the associated fees will be available online after July 1. School district representatives on the BTECH Board of Trustees are encouraged to notify the board of education president of their respective districts of the approved fee schedule. In addition, Student Services will provide the approved fee schedule to each public high school and the charter/private schools in the geographic area served by the college.
Handout: Course and Program Fees for Secondary Students
ACTION: Recommend approval of the course and program fees for secondary students for FY 2024-2025.
Item 7
Course and Program Fees for Postsecondary Students
Brandi Gittins, Associate VP for Finance & Facilities
In accordance with the Utah Board of Higher Education’s Policy R517 Course and Program Fees, The BTECH Board of Trustees shall at least annually review the recommendations of the institution’s course and program fee committee for requests to establish, revise, or repeal course and program fees.
The Utah Board of Higher Education has established affordability as a strategic priority. To support that priority, institutions and boards of trustees should consider the impact course and program fees have on the cost of attendance.
In addition to board-approved tuition, institutions may assess course-based and program-based fees. Course and program fees may be instituted to cover direct costs essential to the educational outcomes for specific course or program offerings. These fees often include materials that cannot be purchased by individual students or for which bulk purchases reduce the cost to students (i.e., course materials, tooling, uniforms, laundry, testing, off-site instructional activities, supplies used in instruction; instructional equipment; student licensure and certifications; maintenance of laboratory equipment, computer software, subscriptions, etc.)
USHE Policy R517-6 Delegation of Authority to Establish Course Fees states, "The board delegates to the boards of trustees the responsibility to review, approve, adjust, and repeal course fees and program fees.”
Handout: Course and Program Fees for Postsecondary Students
ACTION: Recommend approval of the course and program fees for postsecondary students for FY 2024-2025.
Item 8
Program Review & Changes
Lisa Moon, Vice President for Instruction
The college continues to move forward with the Utah Board of Higher Education Initiative of aligning technical certificate programs across the State of Utah. Faculty representatives meet annually to create and/or modify program names, lengths, and descriptions. Included for Board information and review are proposed program changes with an effective implementation date of July 1, 2024. Outlined are program modifications for consideration:
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician – length change 210 hours / 7 credits
- Basic Corrections Officer – new program 150 hours / 5 credits
- Emergency Medical Technician – hour length change 180 hours / 6 credits
- Law Enforcement Officer – new program 360 hours / 12 credits
- Pharmacy Technician – renamed program (was Pharmacy Technician Advanced)
- Police Academy – deleted program
- Practical Nursing – credit length change 1200 hours / 36 credits
- Software Development – renamed program (was Web & Mobile Development)
- Special Function Officer – new program 270 hours / 9 credits
College administrative staff will be present at the meeting to explain the proposed changes. Once approved by the Board of Trustees, application for final approval will be forwarded to the Council on Occupational Education (COE).
Handout: 2024-2025 Program Changes
ACTION: Recommend approval of the programs and changes as outlined.
Item 9
Legislative Update
Chad Campbell, President
A brief update regarding the 2024 General Session of the Legislature will be provided at the meeting.
Operating Budget
Administration is requesting support to prepare the FY 2024-2025 Operating Budget utilizing the following appropriated funding in accordance with the budget request approved by this board and the Utah Board of Higher Education before the session:
- Compensation and benefits – $677,100 funded
- Approximately 3.0% for labor market adjustments
- Approximately 7.2% for health and dental insurance adjustments
- Performance Measure Funding – $222,800 funded ($336,000-$113,200)
- One-time performance measure – $113,200 funded
- One-time equipment – Through USHE – to be determined
In addition, the college seeks support to prepare the budget with a labor market adjustment (cost of living adjustment) under the direction provided by the commissioner and legislative language.
ACTION: Recommend approval for the college to prepare the budget as outlined above.
Item 10
Policy Updates
Jean Dunn, Chief Compliance Officer
Changes in laws and accreditation requirements prompt the majority of updates to policies and plans. Policies with updates have been identified below. Proposed changes are indicated with red (new) and strikethrough (omission). Administration will be present at the meeting to address any questions or comments from the board.
- Policy 703 Satisfactory Academic Progress – Clock Hours
- Policy 732 Withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Funds – Clock Hours
ACTION: Recommend approval of the policy updates as provided.
Item 11
FY 2023-2024 Strategic Planning Evaluation Results (Bi-Annual)
Emily Hobbs, Administrative Chief of Staff
Administration created the Strategic Planning Evaluation Results document to provide a timely evaluation of progress toward achieving the objectives in the Strategic Plan. This evaluation allows the college to celebrate successes and achievements primarily from July 2023 to December 2023.
Handout: FY 2023-2024 Strategic Planning Evaluation Results
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 12
National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Outcomes
Mason Lefler, Associate VP for Educational Innovation
The associate VP for educational innovation will be present to disseminate summative grant outcomes for "Innovations in Advanced Machining Technician Education" (NSF ATE Grant #2000786).
Handout: NSF Grant Outcomes
ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the board.
Item 13
Information Items
A. Management of College Investments
Bridgerland Technical College's associate VP for finance & facilities, under the direction of the college president and the college Board of Trustees, invests the college funds in the Utah Public Treasurers' Investment Funds (UPTIF) and follows the rules of the Utah System of Higher Education, the State Money Management Act, and the rules of the State Money Management Council. Quarterly investment reports are provided to the college president and the board.
Handout: College Investments
B. Calendar/Happenings
- Calendar available at
- April 17: Automation Career Fair (Governor Cox Keynote Speaker), 11 a.m., BTECH West Building
- April 17: Welding Competition, 8 a.m., BTECH Welding Department
- April 24 & 25: Fashion Show, 7:30 p.m., Cache County Event Center
- May 1 &2: Career Days, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- June 6: General Graduation @ Daines Concert Hall, 6 p.m.
- June 11: Health Sciences Building Ribbon Cutting, time TBD
- Board Meeting Dates
- June 24, 2024 (Location is Culinary Arts Room 1349)
- August 26, 2024
- December 9, 2024
Item 14
Hours of Operation
Logan Campus - Main
Telephone: 435-753-6780
Student Services
Monday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 6 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 6 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 8 am - 4 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
Brigham City Campus
Telephone: 435-734-0614
Student Services
Monday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
Logan Campus - Main . 435-753-6780
1301 North 600 West, Logan, UT 84321
Brigham City Campus . 435-734-0614
325 West 1100 South Brigham City, UT 84302