Bridgerland Technical College

April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018, 4 P.M.


Item 1

Pledge of Allegiance & Welcome


Item 2

Minutes from the January 22, 2018, Board meeting are available online for review and subsequent approval.

ACTION:  Recommend approval of minutes.


Item 3

Board Member Resignation Announcement & Thank You

Ann Geary, Chair

Our long time friend and colleague, Karen Hess, who has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2013 and is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Board, recently informed us of her desire to withdraw from the Board. We are extremely grateful for her service on the Board and will miss her as she pursues future endeavors. As a Board, we want to take this opportunity to officially thank Karen for her great service.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 4

Program/Department Highlight – Culinary Arts

John Krusi, Culinary Arts Department Head

Rex Davidsavor, Culinary Arts Instructor

The Culinary Arts and Meat Services programs put their skills to the test at the Eccles Ice Arena’s Spice on Ice fundraising event on March 20, 2018. The BTECH team served Roasted Red Potatoes Stuffed with Gorgonzola, Cream Cheese and Bacon as the appetizer. The entrée was Pepper Crusted Flank Steak, served with fried Polenta, Roasted Carrots with Garlic, and garnished with micro greens (grown right in the Culinary Arts kitchen). The results of the competition will be revealed. Participating students and instructors have been invited to attend. In addition, John Krusi and Rex Davidsavor will briefly highlight the Culinary Arts Program.

Click here to read the full blog post and watch highlights of the event.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 5

Presidential Scholarship Recipient Recognition

Ann Geary, Board Chair

Chad Campbell, President

The Bridgerland Technical College (BTECH) Presidential Scholarship is a prestigious award recognizing high school seniors from across the intermountain west who will graduate in 2018 and were nominated by an instructor of career and technical education endorsing merit, accomplishments, and future plans. Recipients of this scholarship demonstrate exceptional ability and accomplishment in a technical training area and have a sincere desire to enroll and complete training at BTECH. The following five students have been selected as recipients and have been invited to attend the meeting with their parent(s) and nominating instructors:

  • Ethan Egbert from Logan, UT – Automated Manufacturing
  • Brittany Hardy from Oakley, UT – Machining Technology
  • Braxton Hysell from Mountain View, WY – Diesel
  • Krystina Kiser from Bear River, UT – Interior Design
  • Parker Murray from Wellsville, UT – Machining Technology

Update on 2017 Recipients

  • Brook Berg from Garland, Utah – Animal Sciences
    • Graduated September 2017, Continuing education at USU
  • Trevor Buttars from Clarkston, Utah – Diesel
    • Current student
  • Wyatt Gross from Mountain View, Wyoming – Welding Technology
    • Current student
  • Alyssa Jones from Riverside, Utah – Dental Assisting
    • Current Student
  • Whitney Morgan from Brigham City, Utah – Cosmetology/Barbering
    • Graduated December 2017, found related employment at Sublime Salon, Perry, UT

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 6

Introduction of New Board Member
Ann Geary, Board Chair
Chad Campbell, President

The Bridgerland Board of Directors and Administration are pleased to welcome Nancy Kennedy as a new Board member. In accordance with Utah Code, all new Board members representing education are to be appointed by their respective appointing authorities. (Title 53B, 2a, 109 (2) “The original appointing authority shall fill any vacancies that occur on the College Board of Directors.”) Nancy represents Box Elder School District and replaces Nini Anderson on the Board as an educational representative. Nancy will be invited to take a few minutes to introduce herself so we can all get to know her better. A brief introduction of the other Board members along with the Administrative staff also seems prudent.

ACTION: Information item/pleasure of the Board.


Item 7

Legislative Update

Chad Campbell, President

A brief update, as presented to the Utah System of Technical Colleges (UTech) Board of Trustees, regarding the 2018 General Session of the Legislature is available online. Also included is a spreadsheet outlining, in general terms, the funding allocation across the system. A brief report about how this information applies specificially to Bridgerland will be provided at the meeting.

Capital Development Request

In addition to the information, Bridgerland will also be requesting permission and support from the Board of Directors to submit a request to the UTech Board of Trustees for the Health Sciences Building as a Capital Development project.

                Ongoing Budget

For the ongoing budget items, Bridgerland is requesting permission and support from the Board of Directors to utilize the funding in accordance with the the budget request documentation provided to UTech and the Legislature before the session. This would also include direction to prepare the FY18-19 budget with a 2.5% Compensation increase (COLA).  

Attachments: FY 2019 UTech Appropriations, 2018 General Session Legislature Update

ACTION: Recommend approval of the Capital Development Request and the Ongoing Budget strategies as outlined and discussed during the meeting.


Item 8

Policy Manual Updates – Policy 103 Governing Authority

Chad Campbell, President

Ann Geary, Board Chair

As a result of the changes dictated in H.B. 300 “Higher Education Modifications,” and the withdrawal of Karen Hess from the Board of Directors, Policy 103-Governing Authority needs to be updated. Attached for your information and review is a copy of Policy 103 and the proposed changes. The changes required by Legislation have been incorporated by updating links to the Utah Code. Proposed changes in the policy to facilitate the selection and terms of board leadership are highlighted for your consideration.

 ACTION:  Recommend approval of changes to Policy 103 – Governing Authority as outlined and revised (if any) by the Board.


Item 9

Other Policy Manual Updates

Administration has identified the following policies/plans that need to be reviewed and updated as necessary. The policies/plans are included as links and proposed changes are indicated with red and strike out.

Chad Campbell, President

Policy 300.345 – Benefits – Benefits-Eligible Employees

Policy 500.507 – School Closure

Policy 500.520 – Open and Public Meetings – College Board of Directors

Lisa Rock, Controller

Policy 300.341 – Smoking

Policy 300.347 – Continuation of Insurance Coverage (COBRA)

Policy 300.359 – Military Leave

Policy 300.364 – Workers Compensation

Wendy Carter, Vice President for Instruction

Plan 400.450 – Faculty/Staff Professional Growth and Development Plan

                Plan 500.537 – Health and Safety Plan

                NEW Plan 600.617 – Limited English Proficiency Plan

No Proposed Changes – Annual Review

                Plan 500.591 – Strategic Plan Supplement (actual Strategic Plan will be reviewed in June)

                Plan 600.693 – Student Personnel

                Plan 600.695 – Work-Based

Jim White, Vice President for Student Services

                Policy 500.566 – Hazardous Materials

                Plan 600.691 – Student Follow-Up & Placement Plan

                Plan 500.575 – Privacy/Security

NEW Plan 600.625 – Retention

Administration will be present at the meeting to discuss the policy changes and address any questions or comments from the Board.

 ACTION:  Recommend approval of changes to policies/plans as outlined above in Policy Manual Updates.


Item 10

High School Award Assemblies

Jim White, Vice President for Student Services

Each year the College awards, on average, 35 scholarships to deserving graduating high school seniors. This year is no exception. In May, the high schools in the region will be recognizing their students that have been awarded scholarships. In the past, Board members have represented the College at these assemblies. There are a few schools who do not allow a representative to recognize the students. We will be asking for Board member volunteers to be a representative at participating schools.


Item 11

BTECH Updates & Calendar Items

Chad Campbell, President

  • Stand-Alone Courses (No new courses to review for January)
    • In accordance with Utah System of Technical Colleges Policy 200, Section 5.1.2, courses not part of an approved certificate shall be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer and reported to the College Board of Directors as an information item. The current schedule is included as a link and is always available online at New courses that have been approved, but not included in the Technically Speaking Class Schedule, is available online as a link.
  • Custom Fit
  • Calendar available at
    • May 1, 2018 – Free Start Summer Scholarship Applications Due
    • May 2 & 3, 2018 – Career Days, 8:15 a.m.-11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. each day
    • May 31, 2018 – BTECH Nursing Graduation, 5:30 p.m.
    • June 6, 2018 – BTECH General Graduation, 6:30 p.m.
  • Upcoming Board Meeting Dates
    • June 18, 2018
    • August 27, 2018
    • November 19, 2018


Item 12

Board of Trustees Report

Dr. Scott Theurer, Trustee Representative

A brief update from the Utah System of Technical Colleges Board of Trustees will be provided.


Item 13

Other Items of Business

  • A short discussion will be held with the education representatives on the Board to fill the unexpired term of Karen Hess.


Item 14

Next Meeting Date: The next Board meeting will be Monday, June 18, 2018, at 4 p.m.


Hours of Operation

Logan Campus - Main
Telephone: 435-753-6780

Student Services
Monday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 6 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 6 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 8 am - 4 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed


Brigham City Campus
Telephone: 435-734-0614

Student Services
Monday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Thursday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed


Logan Campus - Main . 435-753-6780
1301 North 600 West, Logan, UT 84321

Brigham City Campus . 435-734-0614
325 West 1100 South Brigham City, UT 84302